Linking an account you own at another bank makes it easier to transfer funds back and forth. Even better, you have the flexibility of easily doing it yourself, either by logging in at or from the Marcus app. That means you don’t have to call us to link any of your accounts – you can do it all on your own time with just the touch of your finger.
Instantly link is fast: You’ll search for your external bank and log in with your credentials.
Manually link could take up to three business days: You’ll need your account number and your external bank’s routing number. You will also need to confirm micro deposits we will credit to your external bank account.
You can find it on your external bank’s website. Or if you’re linking a checking account, it will be a nine-digit number at the bottom of your check.
You can link any accounts you own with a bank located in the US, US territories of Puerto Rico, US Virgin Islands or American Samoa, or in/on a US military base or US embassy .
You can only link accounts where you’re listed as a sole or joint account holder.
Nope. No charge. Just easy linking.
This article is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for individualized professional advice. Individuals should consult their own tax advisor for matters specific to their own taxes and nothing communicated to you herein should be considered tax advice. This article was prepared by and approved by Marcus by Goldman Sachs, but does not reflect the institutional opinions of Goldman Sachs Bank USA, Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. or any of their affiliates, subsidiaries or division. Goldman Sachs Bank USA does not provide any financial, economic, legal, accounting, tax or other recommendation in this article. Information and opinions expressed in this article are as of the date of this material only and subject to change without notice. Information contained in this article does not constitute the provision of investment advice by Goldman Sachs Bank USA or any its affiliates. Neither Goldman Sachs Bank USA nor any of its affiliates makes any representations or warranties, express or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of the statements or any information contained in this document and any liability therefore is expressly disclaimed.
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